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Simone Huber Counselling for Individuals and Couples

Would you like to break out of limiting behavior patterns that don’t bring you what you’d like to experience in your life? Would you like to resolve internal conflicts and develop more clarity about your thoughts and emotions? Would you like to resolve old challenges that don’t seem to shift? Would you like to improve the way you relate to others or life?

The main aim of Gestalt counselling is to increase awareness. Gestalt theory says this is enough and you don"t have to "do" anything to change, change will happen by itself once you increase your awareness of what is happening moment by moment in your life, once you start to really sense and see and feel your emotions, once you are fully aware of the thoughts that pass through your mind, pleasant and unpleasant.

Awareness means dropping all judgments of something being "good" or "bad", awareness means stopping justifying patterns that only distract your in the moment experience of your life. Awareness means halting all attempts to explain what you are feeling or being since your feelings want to be felt rather than suppressed. Awareness challenges us to take life as it comes without attempts to avoid or manipulate the reality of the situation.

  "We find by losing. We hold fast by letting go. We become something new by ceasing to be something old."

                                    Frederick Buechner

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Simone Huber Counselling  |  http://www.simonehuber.com  |  counsel@simonehuber.com  |  +44 (0) 7903 / 938 737